Thursday, March 24, 2011

BlackBerry Playbook Ascertained Can Run Android

Jakarta - Research In Motion (RIM) finally reveals the BlackBerry security featuresPlaybook. Although today is still hearsay, but RIM has been to ensure that thetablet PC will be able to run the flagship Android applications.

In his press statement, RIM said that the Playbook will support Java and Androidapplications to take advantage of the ability 'app players'. In addition, support is also addressed to C / C + + development support, HTML5, Flash, and AIR support.

Of course this news is so welcome lovers of the BlackBerry and Android. Because the Playbook with his ability to Android would be a promising collaboration.

Android Community Site are quoted on Friday (25/3/2011), calls this collaborationas something exciting and interesting. They are also curious, what exactly is the reason Google's so willing to accept the proposal of RIM?

Even so, the story of cooperation they've diumbar officially to the public. And it seems to champion these features, the Blackberry Playbook more confidententering the tablet PC world market.

Playbook itself is scheduled to lift off on April 19, 2011 visited the United States andCanadian markets first. As for the Indonesian market, still less should be morepatient, with the possibility of new Playbook visited in May.

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